I found this in a link shared by someone in Aella's Twitter, and I had mild deja vu, because I could have written that verbatim haha.

Oh well, great minds think alike and fools seldom differ! Either way, that warrants a follow.

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A big part of unfettered capitalism (we agree in its likeliest results) is open borders though. It's free trade in all terms, including labor. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=open+borders&crid=3SKXJYLEE22YE&sprefix=open+border%2Caps%2C188&ref=nb_sb_noss_2 Bryan Caplan (economist of the wildly free markets bent) would probably do a better job alleviating your concerns than I would. Whatever asterisks you want to add is fine, sign the agreement that says 13 years with no welfare or entitlements, disease screening and interpol/FBI lists check for the most serious of criminals, yadda yadda, if you think the concerns are significant. Compared to the windfall they can't be though, and I'm not sure if we can afford -not- to implement some sort of "default answer is yes" system soon. Demographics are a bitch and we could have a real widowmaker of a crises brewing that we are artificially worsening.

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I agree with you completely about advancing Space Colonisation, however asteroid mining is not currently feasible: https://caseyhandmer.wordpress.com/2019/08/27/there-are-no-known-commodity-resources-in-space-that-could-be-sold-on-earth/

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How much does the WEF and folks at Davos pay you?

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