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I really, really hope that Health 2 is the Alzheimer's disease breakthrough we have been waiting for. And I still do, but I lost a lot of hope when I read the word "mouse model." There are good models of human diseases created in transgenic mice - understanding of disease from these models have led to life saving, suffering reducing breakthroughs. But mouse models of Alzheimer's Disease show every sign of being utterly worthless.

Derek Lowe - Just How Worthless Are The Standard Alzheimer's Models? (https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/just-how-worthless-are-standard-alzheimer-s-models)

Lowe's post is 8 years old, but unless something has greatly changed in the transgenic lab mice since then, I'd save your pharma investment dollars for at least Stage III drug trials.

And spend some quality time with your Alzheimer's afflicted relations.

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