Time is a Noumenon:

- a posited object or event that exists independently of human sense and/or perception. The term noumenon is generally used in contrast with, or in relation to, the term phenomenon, which refers to any object of the senses.

- (in Kantian philosophy) a thing as it is in itself, as distinct from a thing as it is knowable by the senses through phenomenal attributes.

It is like a device, like numbers, that help understand a dimension. There is no time in upper worlds.

(You need time to unfold a movie, a phenomena. e.g.)

Ok, I`ll leave a link with people laughing, when they see the first time the reality beyong maya. Some laugh almost hysterically, but how should a human being laugh while seeing that they are not bound at all by what they thought it was a problem? Judge yourself.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uG-LuJ-a-Ok (from 0:17)

We live in a sort of hologram, a training device )

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`What really matters are the relations between objects and not the distinction between an object and its representation.`

Precisely so, because `Life is a multidimensional fractal`, as I have been told by an enlightened friend. She has a PhD in chemistry, not a crazy weirdo: (https://loop.frontiersin.org/people/578828/overview), and she gave the most succinct description possible. You can not know an object from some of its representations. The Space (absolute reality) is creating an infinite number of `angles of view`/ atmas/ consciesness-es/ living creatures that together provide a more comprehensive experience. Objects are whatever an universal mind could think of. The physical manifestations of forms could be described by rational numbers, the atma-s world could be described by irrational numbers, and Space itself is infinity, and it can not be described/defined.

Love is another name for that Space, as it means encompassing all things - the Atma of all atma-s, and `we are one`. Our current perception is too gross to perceive the infinity who we are. Human form is the very level starting from which we can rise higher, towards a more sensible perception of reality. The shorter the waves a brain can perceive, the more in high resolution one perceives reality and processes information. `The higher the speed of your neurons, the smarter you are` (her quote).

Interesting story about Ram Dass, who was an american researcher of the therapeutic effects of psychedelic drugs, and it was an eye-opener for him to meet in India sages who were not susceptible to those, thus he decided to remain there and realised himself later on.

Interesting the link between enlightenment and ethics - apparently there is no way to have one without another. Egoistic people emanate different vibes, `grossier` ) They think that it is possible to be separate from the rest of the world - whereas in reality everything has a kind of connection with the rest of the world.

Everything around you, including people, resonate with something inside you. `What you try to escape from, will drag you back.` (meaning you did not yet understand something there). `Heading to something will also push you back, as, again, you were not ready for what you want` (it is about resonance, `otherwise you would havebeen already there`). Her examples.

Those reminded me of Tao, the way, each of us has a unique path back `home`. Universe is not interested in copies, it breeds authenticity. Indeed, it is liberating to learn that we just explore our possibilities, surfing different dimensions.

Unsurprisingly, there are no genders as such, we take the aspect we want to exercise with. Yet, there is a kind of `connection` between souls that may last many lives. Some say it is eternal, but that is just too confusing.

I am still doing my research on this, looking forward to learn more about myself and the world.

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